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Coming to Niigata!


新潟の元英語教師、タマラ・ルーパートが、 詩人、小野小町を元にした映画製作でロサンゼルスからクルーをつれて日本に戻ってきます。新潟での8−9日間ほどの撮影中、アメリカ人と日本人クルーのホームステイ先を探しています。アメリカ人クルーは皆ハリウッドで活躍しているメンバーで、日本語を話しません。




Seeking Housing for Members of an American Film Crew

Former Niigata English teacher, Tamara Ruppart, is returning to Japan with a crew of filmmakers from Los Angeles to produce a film inspired by poet Ono no Komachi. The team is hoping to find lodging for the members of the American and Japanese crew for 8-9 days during the film shoot in Niigata. The American members of the crew are professionals from Hollywood in Los Angeles who are native English speakers.

Director/Producer Tamara Ruppart taught English at AEON Amity English School in Bandai for over a year. It is Tamara’s love for Japan that has inspired her to work with a prominent Asian-American writer, Velina Hasu Houston, to create a film inspired by Ono No Komachi and Japanese poetry. Everyone working on the project is passionate about learning about Japan and creating art inspired by Japanese culture. It would be an incredible opportunity for these members of the film crew to stay in homes to learn about modern life in Japan and build cultural bridges.

We are hoping to find housing close to Niigata Station for the crew. If you are interested in housing a member of the American or Japanese crew, please contact Katie Peabody at kpeabody@elevenarts.net.